The Last One

Well, everyone, it's been a wild ride as I've learned these incredible lessons on the Family. Sadly I haven't been giving this my all when I rightful should have because you deserve to know about the Family. You who are dedicated enough to research and have a desire to know about families, and you have a right to know that. I can only apologize to you all for not being able to give it to you, so I'm very sorry.
If I was to find the best way to end this sad excuse of a blog it would have to be this way, I would like to leave you with what I think is the most important lesson and quote I have ever heard in my life. That would be this quote by Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this was his quote: "In marriage, you have to care about at least half of what your spouse wants than what you want." I agree with this statement completely, but I also believe Prophet Hinckley was being just a bit lenient with saying "at least half," and I understand why, but I truly feel he's saying more than half rather than at least half. God is so merciful, he tells his disciples this loving guideline for us men to follow to have a successful marriage. "At least half" to have a good marriage, but "more than half" and you'll have a great marriage, I'm sure of it. Then if you want an even better marriage make sure both individuals care "more than half."
In our world today we need to stop caring completely on the things that don't matter and more on the things that do. Josh Grober said it perfectly "You can never get enough of what you don't need because what you don't need won't satisfy you." What a perfect way to say this, if we continue to focus on the things we don't need we'll lead a sad and depressing life; but everyone in this world needs this one thing, 'Love' and I don't care who you are, what you've been through, or what you say, every single man, woman, and child Need LOVE and that's a fact. One of the best forms of love there is, is when a man and woman love each other so much that they are willing to lay down the things that don't matter and can say "your the one I need, not these meaningless wants." Now that is pure and true love, no matter how you look at it.
I agree wholeheartedly with what's been said and I want my life to be "more than half" in everything I do, and I'm sure you who spend your time reading this will want a "more than half" life and I'm sure you can do it. I plan to strive for the things, people, and emotions I need and not on the material things I don't need. But you all must choose for yourself what matters most and especially, are you gonna live an "at least half" or "more than half" life. So I leave you with this final question, What will you do? How will you live?
Michael S


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